Thank You, Jordan, as you work very hard to get the news out about Pastor Saeed. Our prayers are with Saeed and his family. We are also praying in support of your efforts!
Please Pray without Ceasing for Pastor Saeed Abedini!
Pastor Saeed is being denied critical medication.
As a result of severe beatings at the hands of his Iranian captors, American Pastor Saeed experienced symptoms of internal bleeding. He was prescribed medication and had been improving. Now he has been transferred to a deadly new prison. Pastor Saeed's father attempted to deliver his doctor-prescribed medication to him this week and was turned way. With the horrendous conditions in the prison and the lack of proper medication, Pastor Saeed's health will likely deteriorate quickly. We must speak out. We must be heard. Take action. Share this message through Facebook and email.
Sign the Petition to Save Saeed at
Jordan Sekulow, ACLJ Executive Director