Gypsies On Fire For God, by Heidi Boesl, Mission Network News
"The population of Gypsies in Slovakia is growing three times faster than the general population of the country. Gypsies live on the outskirts of society and are often times distrusted, despised, and isolated.
"There are approximately 300,000-400,000 Gypsies living in Slovakia under terrible conditions. Suffering from high rates of poverty, crime, illness, and unemployment are only a few of the struggles Gypsies deal with on a daily basis. They are not welcome in villages and are forced to set up camps miles outside the city limits. Gypsies make their homes in a few houses without electricity or running water. Some even live in wooden shacks, tents, or cardboard boxes.
"International Needs Cinobana Gypsy ministry has grown primarily through personal evangelism, with the gospel spreading largely among teens and young adults. Missionaries with International Needs, Jozef and Julia, share the gospel with the isolated Gypsies..."