The Obama Administration just reached a nuclear deal with Iran, leaving Pastor Saeed and three other American hostages behind.
President Obama broke a promise to Pastor Saeed’s family.
He promised to make Pastor Saeed’s release a “top priority.” Instead, this U.S. citizen is left to suffer beatings, torment, and excruciating pain in one of the world’s worst prisons because he is a Christian.
The Administration has committed diplomatic malpractice. It’s unconscionable.
But the fight isn’t over. The deal isn’t final. Congress has a voice.
We’re aggressively working in the House and Senate, demanding Congress reject the deal.
Pastor Saeed desperately needs your voice more now than ever. Time is of the essence. His freedom is at stake.
Do not be silent as Pastor Saeed suffers. Be heard now.
Sign Our NEW Petition: Reject the Deal & Bring Saeed Home.
Jordan Sekulow
ACLJ Executive Director