Report Shows Shocking Religious Freedom Violations In Syria, by Ruth Kramer, Mission Network News
"The report notes:
"A tragedy on many levels, Syria also represents one of the worst situations in the world for religious freedom, yet the IRFA tools are almost irrelevant to address the actions of terrorist organizations fighting a brutal, dictatorial regime or when the longstanding government is no longer seen as the legitimate representative of the Syrian people.
"In fact, despite a decade of worsening religious freedoms, the list has been stagnant since 2006, and the report concludes that the current CPC-designation list should actually be doubled in size.
"That’s not really surprising to Voice of the Martyrs USA spokesman Todd Nettleton. In Syria–the newest addition to the list, a civil war has been steadily worsening since March 2011. Today, there are growing divisions between the opposition troops themselves–between moderate and radical Islamists."