First Week of 2014 India Elections Comes to an End, by Katey Hearth, at Mission Network News
"[Today] ends the first week and first 4 phases of the 2014 India elections, scheduled to take place from April 7 to May 12. With over 800 people registered to vote and potential deterrents like weather, harvest season and holidays, logistical challenges create the need for a two-month polling schedule.
"On Saturday, voters in Assam, Sikkim and Tripura are expected to cast their ballots for India’s next Prime Minister and Parliament. Votes from polling stations across India will be counted and results announced on May 16.
"Speaking from India using Skype, Asian Access (A2)’s David Dayalan says there hasn’t been any election-related violence against Christians yet. But polls show a Hindu nationalist party in the lead, and that has church leaders concerned."