That is the cry of Iraq’s Christians fleeing for their lives.
They feel abandoned by America and the world, left to die at the hands of ISIS terror.
The United Nations has been nearly silent as Christians are slaughtered, their wives and daughters enslaved.
The Obama Administration has not done all it can to protect them.
ISIS terrorists have a message for America: “We will drown all of you in blood.”
ISIS is the most well-funded, well-armed, brutal jihadist army we have ever seen.
We must defend Christians from genocide. We must arm the Kurds who are protecting them. We must end the slaughter.
We’re demanding action from Congress and the U.N. We’re urging President Obama to defend Christians from death.
Your voice, over 200,000 strong, is making a difference. We must not be silent.
Sign the Petition: Defend Christians. Stop the Genocide.
Jay Sekulow
ACLJ Chief Counsel