Please read CAR Alone on the Road to Recovery, by Ruth Kramer, at Mission Network News.
"The United Nations refugee agency called once more for stepped up security to protect more than 15,000 people surrounded by armed groups across the northwest and southwest portions of Central African Republic.."
"...More than 700,000 are internally displaced, including some 273,000 in Bangui spread over 66 sites, while more than 288,000 people have fled to neighboring countries. People need medicine. They need shelter, and they need food.
Over concerns that the refugee populations were vulnerable to more attacks, Mulders notes, “Especially in the West, people are settling down. Peace is coming slowly. And there are small pockets of local Muslim population that remained behind. Between those Muslims and the rest of the population, peace has to be created...'”
",,,CAR is ranked No. 16 on the Open Doors World Watch List of the worst persecutors of Christians. "