Please read Christian In-Fighting in Ukraine a Travesty, by Greg Yoder, at Mission Network News.
"It has been a long time since I’ve included a commentary on Mission Network News, but today I’m doing it. The topic isn’t pretty. It’s divisive. It’s hurtful. It’s not what Christians should be doing. And yet, because of our humanness, Christians fall into the same everyday political discourse that everyone else is facing today. The Ukraine/Russia conflict is causing a serious division among Christian believers in and out of Russia and Ukraine.
"The conflict is this: Some evangelicals say the Ukrainian government was corrupt and needed to resign. They believe the Ukrainian-elected parliament voted to remove President Viktor Yanukovych from office. The interim government is in place awaiting national elections in May. Many Russian Christians believe Yanukovych is still the legitimate leader of Ukraine and Russia is acting on his behalf and on behalf of the safety of Russians in Crimea.
"Those lines have also been drawn by Russian and Ukrainian believers, but with a twist. They’re starting to attack each other. One organization’s Facebook page was laced with verbal volleys from influential Russian/Ukrainian Christian leaders and pastors.
"One wrote: “There is more aggression of the West against us here in the East. It is sad to see how you build a parallel between your personal political views and theology/Bible. It is not the same. Let us not be fooled by the politicians.”
"These barbs keep growing. Some accuse Christians of being too actively involved in the political situation. Other Christians suggest believers NEED to be involved in the political situation so they can influence decisions made on their behalf. So, it’s not only Russian Christians opposing Ukrainian Christians; sometimes it’s Russian against Russian and Ukrainian against Ukrainian."