" “Many Christians have fled Syria because of the violence,” Katia shares. "But there are many who have remained, as they feel God has called them to stay, “for such a time as this.” God is using them in mighty ways! They have been using the churches as places to pass out food, water and other materials to Christians and non-Christians alike. There is often a sermon and an invitation to accept Jesus. Many have turned to Christ through this ministry. One man in particular who came to one of these churches seemed as if he was a Muslim extremist. He was shouting fanatical religious statements which made many feel uneasy, so the church leaders kept an eye on him. By the end of the service, this man had accepted Christ as his Savior! A man who initially seemed like a threat is now a brother in Christ.” "
Photo and quote from The Arab Nightmare: Unlikely Miracles & Life as a Christian in Syria, posted by Emily F at Open Doors