Please read Pakistani Christians in Search of a New Homeland, by Lubin Thomas Benjamin, at Christian Today.
"It happened during 1947 at the creation of Pakistan when the Christians decided to come and settle in Pakistan as their home country. Very proudly, the Christians call themselves Pakistanis.
"Ever since the inception of the country, the Christians living there have contributed in all spheres of life, from education to health, to the armed forces, and they have always been renowned for the services they have offered in the fields they worked in.
"They are always considered and proved with their work that they are as dedicated and honest just like any other Pakistani, and I remember quoting my boss on air that he found Christians more hardworking and dedicated than the Muslims.
"The conditions have not been easy for Christians when it comes to living in Pakistan, as they have to face problems of discrimination, hatred and insults from the small scale to sometimes the large scale.
"Besides all these problems, another mammoth problem started to hover over the Christians and this was the blasphemy laws. It is easy to implicate the Christians by alleging they have uttered objectionable words against the Holy Quran and prophet Mohammad. Their lives are ended and some are still fighting battles, like Asia Bibi, a Christian woman, who was charged with blasphemy in 2009 and is still in prison, awaiting the outcome of the appeals process against her death sentence.
"Despite having all the threats and troubles, the Christians still live and serve the country as a true patriot. However, some Christians who can't fight the battle to keep up with their faith while living in the country, where the majority are Muslims, have now thought of adopting the new way - that is to leave their motherland and go to another country where they can live the life of a free person."