Zhejiang TSPM Church Faces Forced Demolition for Refusing to Remove Cross; Thousands of Christians Stand Guard at China Aid News
"A Three-Self Patriotic Movement church in China’s coastal Zhejiang province is facing demolition after refusing to remove the cross that tops the building.
“'When the Party secretary Xia Baolong visited the local areas, he found the cross on top of the church very conspicuous. So he ordered that it be demolished. Then, the officials from Yongjia county demanded that the church tear down the cross and the top floor of the church,” Zheng Leguo, a young leader at Sanijang Church in Wenzhou, said.
"However, believers said that the demolition order met objections from the church..."
"...“The church said there are many people who are protecting it. However, the government has dispatched many people and organized them to get ready for the forced demolition. They even said they would use dynamite to blow the church up,” Yang Xingquan, a lawyer keeping up with the case, said."