Please read Texas Pro-Life Law Shuts Down 13 Abortion Clinics, by Lisa Marie Garza, at Charisma News.
"Two more Texas abortion providers said they will shut down this week, saying their doctors were unable to get admitting privileges to nearby hospitals as required under new restrictions enacted by the state last year.
"Proponents of new regulations say they were designed to protect women's health. Women's rights groups have complained that they were designed to put abortion clinics out of business and have already succeeded in eliminating a third of them. Women in parts of Texas now must drive for hours to reach a clinic.
"Whole Women's Health will close two of its five clinics in the state, shutting facilities in McAllen and Beaumont because they cannot meet the new regulations, including one that a physician have admitting privileges at an appropriately equipped hospital within 30 miles.
The reduction will cut the number of abortion providers in the state to 19 from 32 before the restrictions went in place, according to "the group and state data."