Lawyers to Challenge Abedini's Sentencing, but More Help Is Needed
Mission Network News
January 30th, 2013
" "Calling it a "mockery of justice," lawyers representing the family of an American pastor jailed in an Iranian prison won’t let his conviction pass without challenge.
" "Tiffany Barrans is the International Legal Director for the American Center for Law and Justice. She says, “Under Iranian law, Pastor Saeed and his attorney in Iran have 20 days from the sentencing to appeal. We have heard from him and the lawyer in Iran that that is something they do plan to do, although we recognize that the fruitfulness of those appeals are rarely successful.”
"Pastor Saeed Abedini was sentenced to 8 years Sunday on charges that included "disrupting national security."
"Barrans explains, “In 2000 to 2005, it was not unlawful for Pastor Saeed to have a house church in Iran. In fact, it’s technically not unlawful today. But because he had this church from 2000 to 2005, the regime says NOW that those actions were a threat to the national security of Iran.” "
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