I just received this message from Jordan Sekulow, ACLJ:
As Iran continues to abuse imprisoned American Pastor Saeed Abedini, its goal is now clear -- force Pastor Saeed to deny Christ.
We've obtained a new letter from Pastor Saeed detailing his continued mistreatment in the deadly Evin Prison, including Iran's efforts to force him to convert from Christianity back to Islam.
Pastor Saeed's letter states: "[A]fter all of these pressures, after all of the nails they have pressed against my hands and feet, they are only waiting for one thing…for me to deny Christ."
Yet he is standing strong, declaring "they will never get this from me."
Now is the time to redouble our efforts to save this courageous pastor, this U.S. citizen, from the darkness of an Iranian prison.
Share our Petition to Save an American Pastor from an Iranian Prison Sentence.