The Temple Mount Has Been Occupied by Hamas, by Hezki Ezra, Israel National News
"MK Moshe Feiglin (Likud) slammed the latest rioting incident on the Temple Mount Wednesday, calling Israel's control over Judaism's holiest site a "failure."
"'Over the last five days, the Temple Mount has not been occupied by the Jordanian army, but by a division of Hamas," Feiglin said.
"'The failure of the police to control events the Temple Mount is, in fact, the failure of political leadership in keeping the heart of Jerusalem [intact]."
"'Continuing to drag our feet [on the issue] will result in history remembering the Israeli government and its leader as having abandoned the Temple Mount to the Hamas regime," he added.
"According to Feiglin, placing a special unit of Israeli police at the site to specifically prevent riots is the "response is required to maintain our sovereignty over the Temple Mount and Land of Israel as a whole."
"Dozens of Palestinian Arab terrorists rioted against police at the Temple Mount on Wednesday, after Jews were allowed to visit Judaism's holiest site in light of the Passover holiday."