Lung Singh is the writer of the month at Open Doors International.
You can read his story, Lung Singh, at Open Doors.
"Lung Singh is from Laos. He did not write his own contributions, but Jan Pit has edited his experiences and remarks and printed them under his name in this devotional. His life story is recorded in the book No Turning
Back by Jan Pit, Marshall Pickering, 1985. According to rumors Singh
was killed by his brother because of his faith in Jesus Christ."
"He did not know how to pray, or even to whom he should pray. It was just a simple prayer - but coming from the heart of a desperate man, "Devil I have followed you for forty-five years. I have been your slave." Then Lung Singh turned around, looked to the heavens and said, "God, I want to follow you. Please accept me. I want to be your slave, forever more."
"God did not make him His slave ... He made him His child, and delivered him from opium and evil spirits."
This excerpt is taken from Day by Day with the Persecuted Church, compiled by Jan Pit, found at Open Doors International.