Read Violence Is Escalating in Iraq - Christians Suffering at Mission Network News.
"When coalition forces left the country, Iraqis thought peace would come to their nation. However, sectarian violence has actually increased--so much so that many are saying a civil war is looming. Spokesman for Voice of the Martyrs USA Todd Nettleton puts the violence in perspective. "So far in July, almost 600 people have been killed in different attacks--most of those civilians. In May, the UN said 963 people were killed, which was the biggest casualty toll since way back in 2008." Christians are suffering. Nettleton says you can help them through VOM Action Packs--a "bag with humanitarian aid materials and clothing items. Then we deliver those into Iraq to Christian families there. Another key way that we're involved is delivering Bibles." Packing Action Packs would be a great project for youth groups. Learn more at under "Featured Links." Also pray for hope for believers in Iraq."