Read New Edict Raises Red Flags in Egypt at Mission Network News.
"Egypt is banning all public gatherings of more than 10 people without prior government approval. Voice of the Martyrs USA spokesman Todd Nettleton says the edict's language targeting houses of worship is particularly disconcerting. "A lot of the protests that have happened over the last few months have started at a mosque, and then they've gone out from the mosque. So I think that is why it specifically says that in the law. But, obviously, a church is a place of worship, too, so we don't know what that's going to mean for churches in Egypt." It's still too early to know exactly how the ban will be enforced with Churches, but the timing is awful for Christians. "This Advent Season is a very significant time in their calendar when they are going to church, they are gathering for worship. The fact that this law comes out at this time is notable. Again, I think the law was not necessarily targeting Christians, but they are affected by it." People are still turning to Christ, and some in unique ways."