1. Knowledge of our story, the one God told us in the Bible including how it all ends, gives us stability for life.
1 Pet. 2:23
Rev. 2–3
1 Cor. 15:58
2 Cor. 5:10–11
1 Pet. 5:4
1 Pet. 1:13–17
Matt. 16:24, 27
Mark 13:32
2. Knowing God’s story keeps us from being taken in by those with other stories
Matt. 24:5
Deut. 18:14–15
3. Fulfilled prophecy validates the prophet.
Deut. 18:21–22
Jer. 28:1–17
4. Most of all, prophecy proves who is God and who is not.
Isa. 46:9–10
Blood Moons and the End of the World
by Mark Saucy, The Good Book Blog
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