Has King David's Citadel Been Found? by Michael Trimmer, Christian Today
"Israeli archaeologist..., Eli Shukron..., was quoted by the Washington Post saying: "This is the citadel of King David, this is the Citadel of Zion, and this is what King David took from the Jebusites.
"'The whole site we can compare to the Bible perfectly."
"Mr Shukron's £5.9 million excavation, centred in an Arab-dominated region of Jerusalem, began in 1995 and was made accessible to tourists last month.
"It reveals a fortification made up of five-ton stones stacked in a six metre wide arrangement, surrounding a narrow shaft where water from a natural spring would have been diverted into a carved pool.
"These constructions represent the second largest buildings of their kind in the area, only beaten by the Second Jewish Temple constructed by King Herod in approximately 100 BC.
Pottery shards found around the site have been dated to 1800 BC, meaning that the building was constructed 800 years before David's conquest.
"Mr Shukron believes that this matches the citadel that David is described as capturing in the Old Testament book of 2 Samuel. According to the text, David's soldiers are ordered to enter the walled city via the water channel.