John 7:38 (KJV)
I don’t know if this ever happens to you, but sometimes, we feel like we’re running out of steam. Do you know what I mean?
Whatever it is we do in life, at home or at work – we give and we give and we give … and little by little it saps our energy.
All that giving drains us and even if we have a holiday to recharge the old batteries, somehow, emotionally, even spiritually, there’s still this … tiredness and emptiness. A sense that, well, I’m not sure if I have a whole bunch more to give.
You’re a mum with some difficult teenagers … and a job to juggle. Or a dad, the “bread winner” if you like, and you’ve been grinding away at this job for what seems like an eternity.
And one day, you wake up and the river has just run dry. There’s just nothing left to give.
Hmmm. Jesus said:
If anyone is thirsty, come to me and drink. And whoever believes in me – rivers of living water will flow from their hearts.