"Our New Years resolutions or habits focus so often on what we do! There is a cry in this world! "What can one person do?"
"Thinking too little of yourself! Being afraid to do what you know you need to do! Not willing to pay the cost and make the commitment!
">> But the problem is not really what you do but what you are becoming! This year I want to challenge you on what you become!
"It all begins by making a commitment to be the kind of person that God created you to be. God did not waste His creative acts on you to just be a nothing! You need to wake up to your potential!
"You can make a difference! God is expecting you to make a difference!
"The difference begins with you! We forget that the wrong kind of impact is being made by a person! So the right kind of impact can be made also by a person!
"Become a person who will make a difference this year! The way that God intended and created you to be!"
You can purchase this sermon on Nehemiah, by David Cawston, but even this snippet can lead to a good study of Nehemiah.