My admiration for DR Tony Evans grows. His work on the family, and its proper relationship to God, is wonderful and promises healing. Today's missive is no different. An Uncompromising Love dicusses the proper relationship between husband and wife, and he takes his example from Christ:
25 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself up for her, (Ephesians 5:25)
"If you have never opened your heart to Christ's love, then you will not know how to love the way He loved. In fact, a person can be saved and still not experience the depth of God's love. However, when you ask Him to teach you the right way to love, He will do it. No matter what your past contains, He will broaden your ability to love with His same love.
"One Minute Please
Love is measured by sacrifice, not by enjoyment."
Finish reading An Uncompromising Love, by DR Tony Evans here.