Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!
2 Corinthians 5:17
Lung Singh was baptized in the Mekong River, China. Buddhist priests were there. They heard Lung Singh give his testimony that day, "I have decided to follow Jesus. No turning back, no turning back. The world behind me, the cross before me. I will follow Jesus - no turning back."
Lung Singh had been addicted to opium his entire life, since sucking on an opium soaked cloth as a baby. The Buddhist priests could not understand how he had kicked such a tenacious and lifelong habit. They asked Lung Singh how he had broken his terrible addiction.
"Lung Singh looked at them and smiled. "I didn't do it - God did. All He asked of me was a willingness to break with my sin and when I said "yes" - He did it in me."
"Christ can set us free - me and you. From that day on, Lung Singh - at the request of the Buddhist priests, spoke in the Buddhist temple to other drug addicts about his deliverance - to the glory of God!"
Lung Singh through difficult personal experience gave the most powerful testimony, raised up the Lord, and gave thanks to Him for all of his successes. We can learn something from Lung Singh! We all have addictions of one sort or another. It is time to understand not only that it is possible to kick pertinacious addictions, but that God wills to do much of the hard work for us! All we need do is nurture our love and dedication to Him, have faith that He will be there for us, and know that we have His permission to ask for His help!
Read more about Lung Singh in Day by Day with the Persecuted Church, compiled by Jan Pit, at One Place.
We also posted about Lung Singh on April 16th in the Crown of Life blog.