Read Light and Darkness, by Alistair Begg at One Place.
God called the light day, and the darkness He called night. And there was evening and there was morning, one day.
Genesis 1:5
"What, then, my soul, is it best for you to do? Learn first to be content with this divine order and be willing, with Job, to receive evil from the hand of the Lord as well as good. Then work at beginning and ending your days with joy. Praise the Lord for the sun of joy when it rises and for the gloom of evening as it falls. There is beauty in both sunrise and sunset; sing of it, and glorify the Lord. Like the nightingale, sound your notes at all hours. Believe that the night is as useful as the day. The dews of grace fall heavily in the night of sorrow. The stars of promise shine forth gloriously against the darkness of grief. Continue your service under all circumstances. If in the day your watchword is work, at night exchange it for watch. Every hour has its duty; so continue in your calling as the Lord's servant until He shall suddenly appear in His glory. My soul, your evening of old age and death is drawing near; do not dread it, for it is part of the day, and the Lord has said in essence, "I will cover him all the day long.""
In the daytime (for there will be no night there) its gates will never be closed;
Revelation 21:25