Please read Why We Cast 'Obama' Devil out of 'Son of God,' by Roma Downy, at USA Today.
"I played an angel on Touched by an Angel for almost a decade, and I've learned a thing or two about spiritual warfare:
We shine his light but the darkness exists.
The devil is real.
When you are trying to do something good in the world there will always be opposition..."
"...In Morocco, on the set of the movie, we had a snake man, to clear our locations of snakes and scorpions. Each day he would clear one or two snakes. But on the morning of the crucifixion scene we had asked everyone we knew to pray. That morning when I got to the set, the snake man had a writhing cloth bag at the side of the road with over 40 snakes in it. He had cleared them from around the foot of the cross. The symbolism of the snake was not lost on us. Prayer -- and the snake man -- had cleared the way."