We all have questions when it comes to sharing the gospel with people of different faiths . . .
Isn't it intolerant to say that Jesus is the only way to be right with God?
Don't all people really serve the same God in different ways?
What if I'm not an expert on Islam ... should I still witness to my Muslim friend?
Why do I need to know about other religions if I'm not a missionary?
What do I need to know about other religions when I'm witnessing to people?
Secret Church 2016: "A Global Gospel in a World of Religions"
During the next Secret Church, David Platt will explore the claims of Christ in the gospel and consider how these claims both inform the way we understand religions in the world and impact the way we live and share the gospel with others when surrounded by believers with diverse belief systems. (Read the full topic synopsis here)
Open Doors is partnering with Radical, the ministry of David Platt, to bring Secret Church to you via simulcast. We want to invite your church, small group, friends, or family to join us and to be a part of the next Secret Church Simulcast, on Friday, April 29, 2016.
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